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Firebase Android Codelab

by Nesya Viola

Update Android Studio version

Clone project at link based on the website

The projects contains three directories android-start, android, grow-android-start

Import android-start directory

select the Rules tab and update the rules configuration

Add Firebase Auth dependency

Add the Auth instance variables in the MainActivity class:

Add the following to the onCreate method after mUsername has been initialized

add a new case to onOptionsItemSelected() to handle the sign out button

Add an Auth instance variable in the SignInActivity class

edit the onCreate() method to initialize Firebase in the same way you did in MainActivity

initiate signing in with Google. Update SignInActivity's onClick method

Add the required signIn method that actually presents the user with the Google Sign-In UI.

add the onActivityResult method to SignInActivity to handle the sign in result

Add the required firebaseAuthWithGoogle method to authenticate with the signed in Google account

Test the app

Step 7 : Read Messages

In your project in Firebase console, select Database on the left navigation menu

In the overflow menu of the Database, select Import JSON

Adding the Database instance variables in the MainActivity class

Modify your MainActivity’s onCreate method by replacing mProgressBar.setVisibility(ProgressBar.INVISIBLE); with the code defined below

Update the onPause and onResume methods in MainActivity as shown below

Step 8 : Send Messages

Update the onClick method of mSendButton in the onCreate method in the MainActivity class

Update the onClick method of mAddMessageImageView in the onCreate method in the MainActivity class

add the onActivityResult method to MainActivity. write a message with a temporary image url to the database indicating the image is being uploaded

Add the method putImageInStorage to MainActivity

Run app

Step 9 : Add Messages to the On-device Index

add the following code to create a message to write to the on-device index

Call indexMessage() whenever there is a new message

add the FirebaseUserActions.getInstance().end(...) method to indicate the end of logging a user action

Test the app

can override the onMessageReceived method from the FirebaseMessagingService base class

Modify it to extend FirebaseInstanceIdService and override the onTokenRefresh method to subscribe to a topic

Add service declarations for the MyFirebaseMessagingService and the MyFirebaseInstanceIdService as children of the application element.

In Firebase console select Cloud Messaging from the Grow section of the left navigation bar. Select Send Your First Message

Test the app

Add Firebase Remote Config dependency

Add a Firebase Remote Config instance variable in the MainActivity class

In the MainActivity onCreate method, add the following snippet to initialize the FirebaseRemoteConfig and then invoke the fetchConfig method

Add fetchConfig and applyRetrievedLengthLimit methods to MainActivity

Add a call to fetchConfig in the onOptionsItemSelected method in MainActivity

Test Config

parameter dengan nilai default 10

Add AppInvite dependency

Setup GoogleApiClient

Confirm that the required onConnectionFailed method is implemented

Update the GoogleApiClient initialization in the onCreate method of MainActivity

Add the sendInvitation method to MainActivity

Update the onActivityResult method in MainActivity

Add a call to sendInvitation to the onOptionsItemSelected method in MainActivity

Test App Invite

choose invite
choose account
choose who want to invite
Notification will appear

Add Analytics dependency

Initialize Analytics

In MainActivity initialize mFirebaseAnalytics by adding the following line to the onCreate method

Send Custom Events

Add AdMob dependency

Add ads namespace

Add AdView to main layout

Add AdView variable

Request Ad

In MainActivity in the onCreate method, request the ad to be placed in the AdView

Handle lifecycle events

Run app

Add Firebase Crashlytics dependency

Initiate crash. Update the onOptionsItemSelected method in MainActivity

Add causeCrash method

Test Firebase Crashlytics

To activate the app with Firebase Crashlytics, go to the Firebase Dashboard and click ‘Crashlytics’, select ‘Yes, this app is new to Crashlytics.’

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