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How Discontent Can Lead To Burnout

We’re not spending enough time enjoying summer!


In walking around town and seeing people online and their social media posts, this summer seems to be the summer of discontent.


The weather from my vantage point has been decent. I haven’t heard a ton about any troublesome weather events (maybe I’ve missed them, and if you have experienced some rough weather outcomes, I trust you’ll get through them!)

I’ve noticed my own schedule this summer has looked more like my typical autumnal schedule. Crazy busy with activities and tasks.

Wasn’t summer supposed to be slower? A couple notches down? Not for me, and from deeper reflection, maybe not for others.

What happened to doing nothing on a warm summer day?

When was the last time you did nothing?

Sitting on your patio or balcony, or sitting at a campsite or park. Just sitting. Observing. Listening. Feeling. Any of these sound familiar to you?

If you’re not taking some down time opportunities during the summer, you’re increasing your risk of burning out. Constantly doing things is not how we are designed. Quit treating your life that way!

Last night in a nearby community, the #WaterLanternFestival was in town, where attendees would write on rice paper, and write quotes, passages, thoughts, etc. then this paper would fit over a wooden floating piece of wood in the form of a lantern. Attendees would then put them into a sectioned off part of a lake or river, releasing their lantern of wishes and quotes into the water.


Summer is meant to experience things like outdoor concerts, meals on patios, festivals, vacations, and simply getting away from the day-to-day grind. We need to slow down and experience all that summer has to offer us.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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