Quando eu sei que ele me ama

Ele me ama quando me dá flores amarelas, minha cor favorita, ou quando desenha a gente de um jeito todo especial. Eu sei que ele também me ama nas pequenas coisas, como quando comprou um…


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The Weight of Grief

A yoke around your neck
The weight of grief
Presses you further
Into oppressive darkness
Contorted angles
Twisted within the spine.

Pummeled without warning
The strength of grief
Drops you to your knees
Abandoned by gravity
Each breath lacerates
Collapsed lungs.

Outstretched hands
Raised to ward off the impact
The violence of grief
Delivers continuous blows
Leaving indelible imprints
Across fragile skin.

A weathered storm
With unmeasurable impact
The power of grief
Crashes onto the shore
Leaving a path of destruction
And ruinous chaos in its place.

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